What to Do After an Animal Bite

Millions of people around the world become the victims of animal bites every year. Snakes and dogs account for at least 15 million bites globally.

If you have suffered an animal bite, acting quickly can make all the difference to your recovery. Want to know more? Then you’re in the right place! 

Read on to find out exactly what you should do after an animal bite.

Wash Your Wound Thoroughly

Cleaning your wound as soon as possible will help reduce your chances of developing an infection.

You can do this at home using soap and water. If there is debris in your wound, running water over your wound is the best way to wash it out.

If it is bleeding, use a clean towel to apply pressure to the wound. Hold this in place and then check to see if the bleeding has stopped. If it doesn’t stop, you should seek medical support as quickly as possible.

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Seek Medical Help 

98% of dog bites in the USA are treated in the emergency room and this is the best place to go after any sort of animal bite. 

Even if your wound doesn’t look too bad, you might need a tetanus shot. The medical room will have all the proper equipment to clean your bite, such as sterilized gauze.

If your wound is bleeding a lot you should phone 911 but if it is less severe, you should be okay to drive yourself to the hospital.

Get Antibiotics for Your Animal Bite

Even once your wound is healing, you need to regularly clean it to stop infections from developing.

Using an antibiotic ointment, such as bacitracin or Neosporin, can help this. You should apply your ointment to a dry wound regularly and let it soak in before applying a clean bandage.

You can find out more about potential infections from specific animal bites by getting in touch with the local animal services.

If your wound starts to look worse or you develop a fever, you should speak to your doctor immediately. They may prescribe a dose of stronger antibiotics to get the infection under control.

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Ask for Legal Support

Each year insurance companies pay out more than $530 million for dog bite claims alone. If you have been bitten by a domestic animal you may be able to make an insurance claim. Or you can make a claim against the owner.

This happens if your animal bite is the result of negligent ownership. For example, failing to use a muzzle or keep a dangerous dog under control can result in a dog bite. In that case, the owner has failed in their responsibility and you can sue them.

If you want to make a claim, you should get in touch with an attorney for more support with your animal bite settlement.

Get Help Today

If you have suffered an animal bite, the first thing you need to do is get medical support. This will ensure that you recover as quickly as possible.

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