What is workplace burnout?

Emotional burnout at work is a syndrome that occurs as a result of chronic stress. It seems to you that everyone around you is happy with their work and only you feel sick at the thought of tomorrow? On the contrary, you are not alone. Burnout at work happens to every third working person in the world. Many people don’t pay attention to their condition, and in vain, because they deprive themselves of the opportunity to be truly happy. In this article from https://layboard.in/vacancies/jobs-in-oman we will look at the signs of burnout in the workplace and how to deal with it

Signs by which you can identify burnout at work: 

  1. No desire to get up in the morning; 
  2. no energy to perform work duties; 
  3. no desire or energy to do anything after work, except lie in bed and stare at one point (or at the phone screen);
  4. no appetite and no proper sleep;
  5. I do not want to communicate with colleagues, friends or even cuddle a cat. 

If you have the above-mentioned signs of burnout, but you have not yet become completely indifferent to the world around you, it is urgent to introduce supportive measures into your life: 

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1. Creative activities and hobbies.

Every day before or after work, find 20-30 minutes to pursue your creativity and hobbies: books, music, drawing-anything you like. If you don’t have a hobby yet, this is a chance to do something new: try online courses, start learning foreign languages. 

2. Communication.

Socialize with the people you like and want to talk to. It can be colleagues and friends not from work. Personal meetings work better, but if there is no such an opportunity, you can also get a charge of positive emotions on Skype. Even if you discuss with a friend or a friend how annoying your work is, okay. The main thing is that you won’t be alone with your emotions during a difficult time, and you will be able to share them, and it will become emotionally easier. 

3. Sports.

Do at least 10 minutes every day to warm up. We underestimate the role of exercise in our lives, although exercise makes a person more stress-resistant, emotionally stable and active. You can also choose any sport you like. (Cybersports don’t count!)

4. Vitamins.

Surprisingly, the most common spring avitaminosis can be mistaken for burnout at work. No energy to get up? You may be deficient in vitamin D or have an iron deficiency. Important: before you start taking any medication, try to find out, by means of tests, exactly what vitamins and microelements you lack!

All of these need to be used in order to complete the cycle of stress reactions on a daily basis. What does that mean?

For example, you messed up at work today, the boss was unhappy, in addition, you can not work with a colleague to finish a project that should have been handed over yesterday. Each case pissed you off in one way or another. And all the negative emotions need to close, to “get over”. It is also worth mentioning crying and laughing – these common human reactions will also help to end the stress response after a tense conversation.

Don’t be embarrassed by them and don’t hold back! By ending the stress reaction, you don’t allow stress to become chronic and thus prevent burnout at work. 

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How to deal with burnout at work?

Supportive measures are effective, but if nothing changes in your professional sphere (and you continue to feel stress and dissatisfaction), the following steps will help you to understand yourself:

1. Carefully analyze yourself and your priorities.

Note which situations at work cause you negative or positive emotions. When you feel “at ease” and when you feel “on edge. Write down your observations (you can do it briefly in your diary). Think about situations in which you could have behaved differently. Or when it was impossible. This will help you recognize yourself.

2. Take time and make a list of the “+” and “-” of your work (it’s important to concentrate and be calm). For example, on the minuses “work on the schedule 5/2 from 8 am”, on the pluses “good salary”, etc. Write down the first thing that comes to mind, the next day read the list and correct it, you will definitely want to add or remove something. 

3. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What exactly don’t I like about my job?
  • What do I like?
  • How can I change the situation at my current place of work?
  • Can I try to expand or reduce my responsibilities?
  • Can I afford to quit my job now?
  • What is my professional goal?
  • Will achieving my goal motivate me to continue working?

4. Based on all the data, decide what to do next. 

What’s the conclusion from here? Essentially, burnout at work is a challenge that can be accepted in two ways: 

  • The first is that you consciously decide that it’s time to change your job or field of work and take on a new job with energy. 
  • The second – you understand that at the moment the job can not change (for example, there is a loan, so you need a steady paycheck), and with dignity accept the situation. In the second case, the supportive measures described above are extremely important!

What if I am a boss? How do you protect your team from burnout?

First of all, it is good that you are thinking about it – because your subordinates are definitely thinking about it: according to sociological studies, 53% of working people around the world are closer to burnout now than they were five years ago. It is important to keep a close eye on the mood of your team and to set clear goals: burnout often occurs when an employee does not fully understand his or her area of responsibility and tries to take on more than you expect from him or her. A good recipe is a change of focus. If someone is stuck in a routine and has been doing the same thing for a long time, but with less and less enthusiasm, you should give him/her new tasks – but not as a burden, but instead of some boring ones.

Give encouragement, it really works. It’s not necessarily about bonuses – it’s important for subordinates to know that you notice their successes. All this creates an atmosphere of mutual respect, where everyone knows that he is in his place. And, of course, do not demand the impossible and show by your own example that work is not a marathon, but a series of races. If you are involved in the work process around the clock, employees will feel guilty. In the end, think about yourself – you are not immune to burnout.

To avoid professional burnout, you need to change your attitude to situations and people. Don’t wind yourself up and take it easy. You need to sort out your emotions and needs, to complete the cycle of stress reactions. Look for new interests that you want to return to, and try to maintain the balance “Life – Work”.