While cats are experts at grooming themselves, they cannot prevent diseases from interrupting their otherwise happy lives. Even though your cat may sometimes be able to resolve their health issues on their own, cat insurance will be able to ensure the best treatment is available to them.
Investing in a PAWAii FunFlow UV Sterilization Pet Water Fountain can help your cat stay hydrated.
Cats are known to be furniture scratchers, and while this is annoying, it is preventable. Investing in a cat tree or scratching post will divert your cat’s attention (and claws) from your couch. If all else fails, some catnip on the scratching post or clove essential oil on your furniture will protect it.
While many diseases are curable, they can still worry our feline friends. We have listed five common cat ailments (with symptoms) to help ease your mind.
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Dental Disease
While gum disease is not life-threatening to your feline, it can cause discomfort and should be seen by a professional. Gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth resorption are the most prevalent feline dental illnesses, with various degrees of severity.
Most types of dental illnesses, however, can be avoided or managed with proper care. You may notice your cat struggles to eat, drools more often, and is in pain. Gum disease needs to be diagnosed and treated by a vet.
While diabetes in cats is a worry, it is manageable, and with the correct care, some cats may even go into remission. Feline diabetes can be caused by obesity, pancreatic disease, or genetics.
Some symptoms of this common illness include weight loss, increased thirst and urination, lethargy, dehydration, fluctuating appetite, and sweet-smelling breath.
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
This disease is similar to HIV, found in humans. Although there is no cure for FIV, your cat can live a happy, regular life with the correct treatment.
If your cat shows signs of gingivitis, loss of appetite, poor coat condition, fever, and recurring infections, it is time to take them to the vet. FIV is diagnosed through blood work. FIV is most commonly found in outdoor male cats who regularly get into fights as this disease is passed from one feline to another through bite wounds.
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If a cat weighs 20% more than its ideal weight, they are considered obese. Obesity in cats decreases their longevity and renders them more vulnerable to diseases and health issues such as diabetes, joint problems, cancer, and heart disease.
Contact your veterinarian if you presume your cat is overweight. They will calculate an optimal weight goal for your cat based on their general health and prescribe a new nutrition plan to assist them in losing weight.
The endocrine illness hyperthyroidism affects middle-aged and elderly cats. It is usually caused by benign thyroid gland growths that increase its size and function, resulting in a rise in thyroid gland hormone concentration.
Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include excessive energy, increased appetite, weight loss, and restlessness.
We all want what is best for our feline friends, and regular veterinary checkups can help to discover any ailments before it is too late. As with human illnesses, timeous discovery can save a life.