Why does converting Interactive SWF to HTML5 Make Sense?

Many big companies such as Microsoft and Apple had decided to stop supporting Adobe Flash. Gradually, even the new developers switched over to HTML5 for creating web applications. The most unfortunate thing was that Adobe flash was longer in use compared to HTML5. But, as it is said, with time, certain entities become obsolete. Thus converting interactive SWF to HTML5 became inevitable.

What were the problems with Flash?

Adobe Flash had become a huge hit for building websites a few decades ago. It offered various features to develop front-end web-based e-learning applications. However, it had several drawbacks in the form of several incompatibilities with smartphones and tablets. The main problem came up when animated browser plugins were used. The issues were related to unstable support. There were also security issues which were becoming a huge concern for the companies.

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How did the problems lead to the downfall of the Flash?

Flash gradually became outdated in terms of support for animations and web browsers. It became a big issue for the companies using it. The e-learning development companies in India also started feeling the heat due to its incompatibility and problems. The issues escalated to a larger extent. Major browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera stopped the support for it.

How did Flash fail to live up to the evolving phase?

Several technologies were quickly evolving so that they can make the user’s experience enhancing and impactful. Hence, there was a need for the Flash to keep up with those technologies. However, Flash had certain inbuilt issues which prohibited it from being compatible with the requirements of the latest technologies. The major issues were not only restricted to incompatibility to web browsers and animation. It failed when it came to handheld devices such as mobiles and tablets. Other technologies related to Flash were XHTML 1, DOM Level 2 HTML, and Microsoft SilverLight. These faded with time.

HTML5 turning into a savior

HTML5  (Hypertext Markup Language) was able to support the main basic web design components. These were HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allowed the HTML to work with various technologies. This also enabled the e-learning development companies in India to build e-learning courseware. HTML came in handy when it came to designing a web page. CSS allowed the styling of the elements on a webpage. JavaScript enhanced user activity and dynamics of a webpage. This also enabled the creation of enhanced e-learning courseware for the website. Thus, the incorporation of the three basic web design components boosted the user’s experience. Importantly, the three elements were compatible with everyday useable devices such as tablets, mobiles, laptops, and desktops.

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Advantages with HTML5

HTML5 enabled the embedment of the latest technological components. This improved the quality of content in the e-learning solution massively. It became easy to explain a concept using animations and simulations. High-quality graphics with infographics; built-in rich multimedia features, and plenty of examples with multiple diagrams made learning easy. The cost for developing HTML5-based e-learning courseware was economical.