What Is Fungal Acne? Symptoms And Treatment

What is fungal acne and how to get rid of fungal acne? I will tell you all the information on fungal acne like what is it? What are the symptoms of fungal acne? What is the treatment for fungal acne? etc. I will explain everything in detail and in an easy way. So you will understand it better. Your problem will be solved as this is a very helpful article that will help you a lot with fungal acne problems. So let us continue to read about what is fungal acne.

What Is Fungal Acne?

Fungal acne is a type of infection in the hair follicles of your skin that is caused by the growth of yeast. It is also called fungal acne Malassezia folliculitis or pityrosporum folliculitis. It is seen that fungal acne starts to appear as small pimples and then itching occurs. The growth of fungal acne is not varying much in shape or size but spreads on the skin. You may get whiteheads and skin inflammation because of fungal acne. Your skin may feel irritation due to it.

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What Are Symptoms Of Fungal Acne?

Here we have mentioned the symptoms of fungal acne that will help you for identifying it easily. You will be able to recognize that what is fungal acne on the face looks like. Below we have given the symptoms that you can check if you have fungal acne. 

  • The growth of the yeast is one common symptom.
  • Fungal acne is pus-filled bumps that appear to be about the same size as whiteheads. 
  • The arms, shoulders, and back also exhibit fungal acne. It can be on the face too.
  • Sometimes, fungal acne causes itchiness.
  • In clusters of small whiteheads, you can get fungal acne.

What Are Causes Of Fungal Acne?

You must be thinking that what is fungal acne caused by even if you take proper care of your skin. Don’t worry we will tell about fungal acne causes that are very common. So let’s read further every cause of it:

  • Wearing wet and damp clothes for too long will stimulate the growth of yeast. 
  • You can also expose the skin to fungi that have formed in the clothes that may have sweat. 
  • Wearing unwashed clothes for a long time.
  • The bacteria on your skin will be minimized if you take antibiotics. That can make it possible for a fungus to grow rapidly.
  • People with weak immune systems are more susceptible to develop fungal acne.
  • Eating sweets and carb-rich foods.
  • Wearing warm and tight clothes.
  • Hot and humid climates that cause sweating.

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Fungal Acne Treatment And Home Remedies

For fungal acne treatment, you will need to do several things that will help you in treating and curing the fungal acne infection. Regular anti-acne fungal treatments will not work so you need to follow the fungal acne routine, schedule it to treat fungal acne, and get rid of it fast.

Treatment For Fungal Acne

  • Use anti-fungal acne creams and ointments that contain ketoconazole, butenafine, or clotrimazole. These antifungal acne products may also help you with an athlete’s foot and jock itch problems.
  • To cure the infections dermatologist prescribe oral medicines that contain itraconazole or fluconazole for stopping the infection.
  • Make use of fungal acne shampoos like Nizoral for fungal acne 
  • Antifungal acne soaps for cleaning the area of the infection.

Home Remedies For Fungal Acne

  • Eat yogurt in your diet, as it contains lactobacillus which will stop yeast production.
  • Apply honey to the infected area because it has antimicrobial activity.
  • You can apply turmeric paste to the infected area.
  • Dilute tea tree oil and apply it to the affected area due to its antimicrobial activity. It may cause little irritation but cure the infection.

Prevention Of Fungal Acne

You can prevent fungal acne by taking few precautions for fungal acne.

  • Do not wear wet and damp clothes for too long.
  • Wash your clothes regularly.
  • Wear light and breathable clothes.
  • Do a bath and take shower after you get sweating.
  • Do not wear warm and tight clothes.
  • Avoid exposing your body to hot and humid climates for a long time.
  • Eat food with low sugar, starch, and carbohydrates.
  • Use products regularly such as anti-fungal acne shampoos to wash body and skin.

Anti Fungal Acne Products

Below we have mentioned some of the antifungal acne products that you can use to treat it.

  • Ketoconazole lotion 2%
  • Econazole nitrate cream 1%
  • Clotrimazole cream 1%
  • Selenium sulfide 1% antifungal acne shampoo

Foods To Eat And Avoid In Fungal Acne

Below we have mentioned what foods you should eat and avoid in fungal acne. So let see what foods are they.

Foods To Eat In Fungal Acne

Below we have mentioned some foods that you should eat in the fungal acne diet to prevent the infection to grow.

  • Eat yogurt probiotics, fermented meals, or supplements as they contain lactobacillus which produces lactic acid that inhibits the growth of yeast.
  • A diet that has low contents of starch, yeast, refined carbohydrates, and mold.
  • Add some antimicrobial products to your diets such as grapefruit seed extract, garlic, and oregano oil.
  • Eating a healthy diet that balances all nutritional proportion

Foods To Avoid In Fungal Acne

Below we have mentioned foods that you should avoid while suffering from fungal acne infection to prevent its growth.

  • Do not eat high sugar content foods.
  • Avoid products that contain benzoyl peroxide.
  • Do not eat foods that contain high fatty acids such as lauric acid, linoleic acid, etc.

What Is Fungal Acne Vs Bacterial Acne?

Fungal acne vs bacterial acne is having a basic difference. So read it below.

  • The acne fungal infection occurs in the hair follicles of your skin that is caused by the growth of yeast. However in bacterial acne excess sebum clogs the hair follicles of your body, especially on the face, neck, or chest, and causes acne.
  • It is seen that fungal acne starts to appear as small pimples and then itching occurs. Bacterial acne on the surface of the skin develops blackheads or whiteheads. 
  • The production of bacterial acne can be caused by hormones, oral contraceptives, diet, the environment, etc. 

Fungal acne is because of an increase in the yeast in the affected area. 



What Is The Cause Of Fungal Acne?

Fungal acne is caused by the growth of yeast in the hair follicles of your skin that is a form of infection. It is also known as folliculitis fungal acne Malassezia or folliculitis pityrosporum. It is shown that as small pimples, fungal acne begins to appear, and then itching occurs. Fungal acne development does not differ much in shape or scale but spreads to the skin.

Why Do I Have Fungal Acne On My Face?

You get fungal acne on the face because of the Malassezia yeast that usually lives on the skin and causes fungal acne. Breakouts of fungal acne are frequently itchy and most often made up of tiny bumps on the face, stomach, back, and shoulders where you may get more sweat.

What Products Get Rid Of Fungal Acne?

The following products help you in getting rid of fungal acne:

  • Ketoconazole lotion 2%
  • Antifungal acne ointments and creams that contain ketoconazole, butenafine, or clotrimazole.
  • Econazole nitrate cream 1%
  • Oral medicines that contain itraconazole or fluconazole.
  • Clotrimazole cream 1%
  • Selenium sulfide 1% antifungal acne shampoo
  • Pyrithione zinc antifungal shampoo


Now you must have got a complete idea of what is fungal acne. I described fungal acne vs bacterial acne difference to you. All the causes and symptoms were explained by me in the above. You understood what treatment you can do on acne fungal infection. We also discussed the preventions of fungal acne. You came to know about several products and the diet for fungal acne. You read an informative article which helped you to understand what is fungal acne very easily.