Tips On Living with A Healthy Life With colostomy

Living with colostomy can be sometimes stressful because it’s takes time to get comfortable with it, many questions might pop up after the surgical operation, like can I go home?, Can I use the restroom properly, can I  take a bike, can I ride a horse, will it be noticeable, can I do my normal activity? Okay what is Colostomy, A Colostomy  is an opening in the large intestine, this opening is formed by drawing  the healthy end of the colon through incision in the out body around the abdominal part of the body.

Now how do you live with colostomy, if you go through a Colostomy, you really don’t have to stress yourself too much because because your doctor will take good care of you by giving you the perfect tips that will help you live with it now have this at the back of your mind a Colostomy can be temporary or permanent but regardless you still need to know that you don’t have to stress yourself too much about it, because with time you will adjust to it. You should get hernia belts for ostomy bag wearers to make life more easier for you instead. It’s one of the items you should have in your possession in your new state.

The following tips that will be mentioned will help you to adjust to this new lifestyle easily.

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Tips on living with colostomy

  1. Eat healthy: it’s important you eat and make sure it’s good food that has a lot of nutrients in it because you really need to avoid anything that will cause constipation and diarrhea.
  2. Take your medications: Your doctor will administer some medications to you that are mostly given to you so you can heal up on time  and could be for other purposes, endeavour to take them at the right time and finish them.
  3. Learn to live your life: Now you need to understand the fact that colostomy is not the end of every thing for its shouldn’t put your life a pause, you need to learn to leave with it and move on with life , go back to your normal life have sex, though your doctor would have to let you know ways at which you have sex, most times it is advised that your partner take the lead roll during that exercise.
  4. Make sure you take a lot of water: you need to take plenty of water either during  your exercises or after eating or randomly just take enough water you don’t have to wait until you feel thirsty before you take water.

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Now some people ask this question “can I swim with colostomy”, the answer to this is YES, try to swim with colostomy is not a bad idea you can go back to your normal life but  it’s best you check ask your doctor first, let he/ she tell you the best way to go about it  and you can even test it yourself by sitting in a bath and check the snugness if it’s seal.  So having colostomy is not the end of everything for you, life continues, and if you need a comfortable swimming belt Try out a stealth belt and go anywhere.