STT Full Form & Meaning 

Do you eagerly wait to learn the STT full form and its meanings in different modes? If so, then your wait is over here because today I am going to give you the full form and the different meanings of the STT term. The STT term is very popular and used in various respects such as share market, mutual fund, medical, computer, army, safety, etc. Therefore, we are going to learn it in a separate and simple style to avoid confusion and make it simple to understand. Instead of doing too much discussion let us begin to study the STT term’s meanings and to understand what is the STT full form?   

click here – BTM Full Form & Meaning 

STT Full Form

The full form of the STT is the Securities Transaction Tax 

S – Securities

T – Transaction 

T – Tax 

The STT is an abbreviation of the Security Transaction Tax, a financial transaction tax and it resembles with tax that is collected at the source. The STT is a direct tax on every sale and purchase of securities that are listed on the recognized stock exchange in India. 

STT Full Form In Medical 

The full form of the STT in medical is the Schirmer Tear Test 

S – Schirmer 

T – Tear  

T – Test 

In medical terms, the STT refers to the Schirmer Tear Test, which is performed to calculate the number of tears produced in the eyes and evaluates whether the eyes are being kept moist.  

STT Full Form In Mutual Fund 

The full form of the STT in the share market is the Securities Transaction Tax 

S – Securities 

T – Transaction 

T – Tax 

In mutual funds, the STT means the Securities Transaction Tax, which is levied on stocks, stocks derivatives, and equity mutual funds by the Central Government as a part of the traded value. The SST is monitored by the Securities Transaction Tax Act called the SST act. 

click here –JK Full Form & Meaning

STT Full Form In Share Market 

The full form of the STT in the share market is the Securities Transaction Tax 

S – Securities 

T – Transaction 

T – Tax 

In the share market, the STT means the Securities Transaction Tax, which is introduced by the Finance Act in 2004 due to most people were evading tax on capital gains by not declaring their profits on the sales stocks.

STT Full Form In Computer 

The full form of the STT in the computer is the Secure Transaction Technology 

S – Secure 

T – Transaction 

T – Technology 

In the computer, the STT means the Secure Transaction Technology, which is a technology used to convert speech into text, spoken audio into text in the computer. 

STT Full Form In Army 

The full form of the STT in the army is the Small Tactical Terminal or Satellite Transportable Terminal 

S – Small 

T – Tactical 

T – Terminal 

In the army, the STT means the Small Tactical Terminal, which is used for performing communication in a small form factor. 

STT Stands For 

The STT stands for the Securities Transaction Tax 

S – Securities

T – Transaction 

T – Tax


How Is STT Calculated?

The SST is a direct tax and is for the delivery transaction will be charged at 0.1 % on both sell and purchase of securities = 200*103.75*0.1 % = 20.75. 

What Is The STT Trading Fee?

The STT charges 0.1 %  of the trade value of buy and sells trade for equity delivery trades. 

What Is STT Stands For?

The STT stands for the Security Transaction Tax 

S – Security 

T – Transaction 

T – Tax 

What Is The Meaning Of STT In Sales?

Securities transaction tax (STT) is a tax levied at the time of purchase and sale of securities listed on stock exchanges in India. STT is governed by the Securities Transaction Tax Act (STT Act).


The STT is nothing but the Security Transaction Tax, which is a direct tax on every sale and purchase of securities that are listed on the recognized stock exchange in India and introduced by the Finance Act in 2004. May this article solved your all doubts and give an answer to all your questions regarding the STT term. After reading this article your knowledge level about the STT term has become sound and you never forget about the STT full form in the future. 


Hope we have covered all your queries regarding :

What is the Full Form of STT?

Full Form of STT

STT Fullform

Fullform of STT

STT stands for

What does STT stand for

What is the STT abbreviation of

What does STT mean

STT is a short form of

Long Form of STT

What is the short form of Securities Transaction Tax?

What is the long-form of STT?

What is an abbreviation of Securities Transaction Tax?

STT is an Acronym of

STT is shortened Form of

What is STT full form?

STT Full Form