How Does A Dog Bite Affect You Physically?

Dog bites are one of the most common personal injury accidents. Most dog bites are not severe, and a victim may not require intensive medical attention. However, injections and other medications have to be taken to avoid any form of infection. One of the most common infections that dogs are known to spread is rabies. The rabies virus is deadly and requires immediate treatment following a bite, as the victim may die in less than 24 hours. 

Getting bitten by a dog can be traumatic; also, the bite may result in physical injuries. Some breeds of dogs are known to pull out a piece of muscle along with their bite. However, victims may suffer from bleeding, pain, and more when considering mild to moderate intensity bites. A Houston personal injury attorney can help a victim get compensation for the injuries and damages following a dog bite. 

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Physical effects of a dog bite. 

  • Deformity of the body.

After suffering from a dog bite, the rabies virus may affect the body’s musculoskeletal system, which may lead to cramping of the jaw muscles, dysphagia, spasm of the GIT muscles, or stiffness. Due to a dog bite, the person may suffer from other body deformities that can last for a lifetime and cannot be treated if an anti-rabies vaccine is not administered on time

  • Scarring of the body.

Victims of a dog bite may have a puncture wound or skin that lasts lifelong in the form of a scar. Victims may suffer from scarring on vulnerable parts of the body, such as the face that can be treated by applying stitches or cosmetic surgery that reduces scarring after the dog bite. Scars are often permanent even after applying for different treatment methods.

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  • Damage to the muscle, bone, or nerve.

Victims of a dog bite may suffer from damage to the bone, muscle, or nerve of the body that can cause breaking of the bone, weakness of the muscle, or dysfunction of a specific movement of the body.

  • Pain near the wound.

People suffering from dog bites often have trouble moving the affected limbs and have pain near the wound that lasts for more than 24 hours. It is recommended to consume pain-relieving medication. Victims may also have blisters around the affected wound.

  • Inflammation near the affected wound.

People who may suffer from severe dog bites have Inflammation around the wound. The person’s skin often becomes red, swollen and the temperature near the site of injury also increases, which indicates the presence of infection.