Foods That You May /May Not Give to Your Dogs

There’s a possibility of your dog getting harmed by the little treat on your table. It depends on what it is and what is inside it.

Many foods and ingredients can appear pet-friendly and perfect for human consumption. However, feeding them to your dogs, even in small quantities can cause serious health hazards and even hospitalization. 

So, in this article, we talk about a few items which you should never give to dogs and various other safety options that you must offer to your furry friend as a meal or treat. Alternatively, you can refer to the inputs given by the experts online, like PetCareRx

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Foods That Pets Must Avoid

Garlic with Onions

Any food item with active ingredients onions and garlic should remain away from your dog. They can kill their red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Even some baby food has onion powder in it. 

Eating in large quantities can cause poisoning. Look for indicators like weakness, vomiting, and difficulty breathing if you have accidentally fed these articles to your furry friend and immediately consult a vet. 

Macadamia Nuts 

You must avoid treating your dog to any meals containing macadamia nuts. Dogs can become seriously sick by consuming the smallest quantity of macadamia nuts. 

Symptoms like weakness, vomiting, fever, or muscle tremors can happen. Consuming chocolate with nuts will exacerbate symptoms and, in extreme cases, may result in death as well.

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Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums 

The seeds and pits inside these fruits make them hazardous for pet consumption. Persimmon seeds can create issues in a dog’s small intestine. 

They may also be able to obstruct their intestines. Humans and dogs get poisoned by cyanide, which is present in peach and plum pits. Hence, feeding such fruits and products to the pets is highly inadvisable.

Your Prescription Medicines

Dogs should not have any human medication. It has the potential to make kids quite sick. In reality, any medication should not get in contact with your dogs until and unless their vet prescribes it. 

Pain killers and medicines related to cold and cough have drugs like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which can be fatal for the dogs. Hence, whenever your dog is sick, you must consult a vet and provide him with the medicines only meant for animal consumption and not your prescription pills. 

Raw Eggs

According to various veterinary associations, feeding your dog a “raw diet” such as uncooked eggs is not a good idea. Bacteria like salmonella and E. Coli found in raw eggs can cause food poisoning. 

Consulting your vet about your pet’s diet is a great option. Feeding raw eggs can also cause worms, and hence the better alternative is to give them hard-boiled eggs after removing the peel. 


It can surprise many as people are often unaware of the harmful effect of chocolate on dogs. Obromine is the problem in the chocolate present in all types of chocolates, including white alternatives. 

Dark chocolates are considered very harmful to your furry friends. Chocolates lead to dizziness and diarrhea in dogs. Heart issues, tremors, convulsions, and death are possible side effects.

Foods That Are Safe For Dogs

By asking your veterinarian for a recommendation for high-quality dog food, you can ensure that your dog is eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet. However, sometimes your dog can enjoy his favorite food as a special treat. However, the mantra is to give them only a smidgeon. Make sure the things you’re eating are prepared, pure, and not fatty or too seasoned. Here are a few suggestions.

Fresh Vegetables

Carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber slices, or zucchini slices are all healthful snacks for your dog. Even a simple cooked potato will suffice. Allow your dog no access to uncooked potatoes or potato plants in your pantry or garden.

Pasta with White Rice Cooked

A bowl of simple white rice and pasta can be a healthy option for your dog. If your pet is suffering some gastrointestinal issues, they can get cured simply by treating them with white rice and boiled chicken. 

Fresh Fruits

Fresh Apples, oranges, bananas, and watermelon slices are great for your dogs. Fruit seeds should get removed before offering them to your pet. 

Dairy Products 

Milk, cheese, and plain yogurt can be healthy for your dogs when consumed in smaller quantities. Consuming dairy items at regular intervals can create stomach issues for your dog. 

It happens because the dogs’ lactase-tolerance levels are low. Lactose-intolerant dogs should avoid dairy products. You can predict lactose intolerance of your dog if they suffer diarrhea or vomiting after consuming dairy products. In addition to this, you can consult with your vet about any possible allergies. 

Summing up

Even though your intention to treat your dog or provide them with healthy alternatives is not questionable, there can be circumstances when you can end up providing them with some inherently unhealthy ingredients for their consumption. 

The list is not exhaustive, and whenever your furry friend shows sickness signals after consuming a product, you must contact your vet to discuss possible allergies and the safety of the food you just fed them.